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Blue Skies


Servant of Servants & Leader of Leaders

Dr. Abrams is a powerful and anointed man of GOD. He is the Founder/CEO of THOR Academy of Leadership & Military Sciences. The former Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Community Black Chamber of Commerce (CBCC). Dean of The Apostolic Theological Seminary and is the Founder/CEO-Presiding Prelate of The House of Restoration Worship Center, as well as T.H.O.R. Fellowship of Tabernacles & Ministries Inc.; The Full Armor Of YAHWEH Street Ministries, Inc. He is the Founder/CEO-Adjutant General of AATraining Academy for Armorbearers/Adjutants as well as the Founder/CEO of AOG Fitness & Training Centers Inc.


Dr. Abrams is an accomplished author with two best sellers on the market; How To Worship In The Kingdom of YAHWEH and The Power Principles of YAHWEH, which can be purchased on along with all his other books.


He is an Apostle of the Gospel of Yeshua Hamshiach (Messiah/the Christ) and travels around the country teaching, and preaching the unadulterated Word of YAHWEH as he continues to build and advance the Kingdom of YAHWEH by making disciples and winning souls for Christ; fulfilling the Great Commission.


Dr. Abrams is also a combat veteran of the first Persian Gulf War (Project: Iraqi Freedom) and is the creator of "S.W.A.T. (Spiritual Warfare Advance Teaching), the only certified Armorbearer/Adjutant Training Program in the country. Dr. Abrams attended Oral Roberts University and later Bedford University to study Theology/Philosophy, where he graduated Summa Cum Laude obtaining double doctorates in Religion/Theology.


Dr. Abrams' philosophy for ministry is that other Believers are trained to go out into their communities to evangelize and disciple the lost through the Holy Spirit. He also believes that those who have a heart for YAHWEH and His people be equipped for the assignment that GOD has for their lives through the education and training that is provided through teaching.


After receiving education and training in ministry and discipleship, Dr. Abrams's vision was that the next leaders and teachers of a new generation of Believers would continue to disciple, train, and educate those who are called by YAHWEH to lead and guide His people. His philosophy for youth ministry; simply put, youth ministry is the Body of Christ's efforts to help each & every young person grow personally & spiritually. The purpose of the youth ministry program is to prepare students for effective ministry to middle high, senior high, or college students and their families within the context of a local church or a parachurch organization.


Training young people to lead the cause of Christ, and apply the Way/the Faith to every area of life is what "youth ministry" is about. If we don't know that, the kids won't either. Youth ministry is more than programs and events; it is every effort by the Community of Believers to reach out to the youth with the love of YAHWEH as revealed to us in Yeshua Hamshiach (Messiah/the Christ) through the power of the Holy Spirit.


Youth Ministry is a means for both junior high and high school students to grow as individuals while exploring ideas, values, and faith within the context of a supportive community of peers and adults in a Body of Christ-wide ministry that strives to provide a variety of opportunities and experiences to draw teens into active, responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the faith community and the greater church, but it is designed to help spiritually train and equip teens in a fun and Godly atmosphere to the Glory of YAHWEH as an umbrella term that describes the systematic attention the faith community gives to young people which enables them to reach their full GOD created potential. That is, everything the faith community is involved in promotes both healthy development and faith growth in adolescents.


Youth Ministry works to foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person and seeks to draw young people into responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the faith community and the Body of Christ in its pastoral concern, reaching out to young people to embrace their gifts and to walk with them in their process of becoming all they can be.


Youth Ministry is defined as the response of the Body of Christ to the needs of young people, fostering their faith in Yeshua Hamshiach (Messiah/the Christ) and drawing them into responsible participation in the life, mission, and Ministry of the Body of Christ seeking to help youth share their gifts, grow in life skills, develop a positive self-image, overcome prejudices, develop respect for differences, serve those in need, and foster social change, participate in outreach programs, develop a personal spirituality and prayer life, apply faith to daily life, integrate the values of Believers, participate in the Body of Christ, and develop a personal relationship with Yeshua through fun, faith, and friends, usually with a little food added to keep their engines going; but in the end, youth ministry is a series of programs and activities to give young people a chance to participate in the life of Believers, develop their own faith and spirituality, and discover new friendships.

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