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Calm Sea



Acts 9:15; “But the LORD said to him, ‘Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My Name before the Gentiles (lost), kings (civil leaders), and the children of Israel



Matthew 20:16; “So the last will be first, and the first last. For many are called, but few are chosen.”


1 Peter 2:9; “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His Own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”


Romans 8: 28; “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love GOD, to those who are the called to His Purpose.”


John 15:16; “You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My Name He may give you.”


John 15:19; “If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of this world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.”


Matthew 28:19-20; “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I Am with you always, even to the end of the age.”


Revelation 17:14; “These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is LORD of lords and KING of kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful.”


The first time I heard the Voice of YAHWEH, I was on the train running away from home at the age of 13 and YAHWEH said; “I have a mighty work for you to do.”


But I flat out and utterly told YAHWEH “No” because how could I serve a GOD who allowed the things that happened to me in my life to take place, so HE left me alone. Then, I didn’t hear HIM anymore until I was 15 going into the United States Air Force while on the airplane going to Lackland Airforce Base in San Antonio, TX. HE told me again HE had mighty work for me to do, but because of the hurt and pain of wanting to be a microbiologist and the circumstances; this didn’t happen, and I went into the military instead. For the next 25 years, I began my search for YAHWEH through knowledge and intellect, and I acquired a secular point of view about who YAHWEH was; what HE was going to do, how HE was going to do it, and who HE was going to do it for!


These things took me all over the country and world; but at one point in my life, I spent 3 years in a Buddhist monastery in Nepal, Tibet trying to attain spiritual enlightenment. Once I found no significant change; though it was serene and peaceful, I still was no closer to YAHWEH than I was before. Then I came back to the States and rejoined the Nation of Islam and stayed there up until about 20 years ago; during which time, I produced a weapon of mass destruction against those who professed their faith in Yeshua Hamshiach (Messiah/the Christ); a book called: “Eternal Life: Biblical Fallacies & Their Historical Contradictions.”


Which YAHWEH used as a whipping rod against those who just professed HIS name; and they could not stand up against the facts of the matters contained in this book that questioned their faith!


During the next several years, I became affluent, infamous, ruthless, and relentless about the task at hand. And as I rose to the top of my profession, I became less and less detached from the world. I became more intent on proving that I was right, rather than that YAHWEH was truly GOD; although I came from a very religiously affluent heritage (most of the males in my family are pastors, preachers and ministers; my second cousin is Bishop Paul S. Morton).


I developed a very close relationship with Dr. Khalid D. Muhammad (he became a father figure); who at this time was Louis Farrakhan’s right-hand man. He began to tell me that the Nation’s ideas and principles were not what YAHWEH wanted for the Black man; and began to openly speak out his opposite views until he was “sat down” by Farrakhan. One day over dinner, Dr. Khalid D. Muhammad told me he had been receiving death threats and he knew his time was limited. I had just taken a new assignment to go to California; when one afternoon I received a telephone call saying that he had been assassinated. I then realized what a mistake I had made becoming a part of a hit squad and resigned as Supreme Captain of my region and a member of the Nation of Islam; not too long after that, there was a contract on my life; but the difference was, those who would have tried to carry out the contract were the very ones that I had trained and they knew that they had to make a decision of whether or not to kill or be killed!


The reason I say that is because a wise man once told me that you never teach your students all your skills so that those you teach and train will not be able to defeat you in battle!


I became colder, callus, and less compassionate toward people; and this, however, didn’t stop me from my sinful ways. It showed in my physical body and in my spirit; which ultimately made me more intimidating than ever, until YAHWEH shut every door in my life!


With a pocket full of money and nowhere to turn, I found myself homeless; but during the course of this time, I had gotten married, left my wife, and didn’t care about anyone or anything except myself. At a moment when I thought all was hopeless and lost because I knew YAHWEH didn’t care about me; HE sent an angel, a divine intervention to come to church and hear what HE had to say!


Once I went to church, the very first day the Holy Spirit spoke to me and told me I needed to talk to the Minister of the church to let him know what was going on in my life and that maybe someone could help me. The Minister told me they had transitional housing available, but I had to attend weekly counseling sessions and weekly class membership courses. One day while in the restroom sitting on the toilet and reading the Daily Word, YAHWEH spoke to me, and HE told me HE was tired of me and my wicked ways; and that HE was going to give me one more chance to surrender to HIM and HE wasn’t going to wait until tomorrow, next week, next month or next year for my answer.




With such a great decision on my shoulders, I found myself in the corner on my knees babbling like a baby, like I’ve never done before knowing this was a life or death situation.




At that moment of total submission and surrendering of my life to CHRIST; and after repenting of my sins and asking for forgiveness, the LORD said it was a good thing that I did because I only had less than a year to live!


At that very moment, I felt a great weight lifting from my entire body and I was no longer the same man that had gone into that restroom. I had become a new creature in CHRIST JESUS. The LORD said that there were not going to be any more chances for me to slip and fall, but HE was only going to give me the grace to go forward because HE had a mighty work for me to do!


HE said just to let me know what was waiting for me if I did decide to go back; a violent and physically horrible death and a longer excruciating everlasting death; which there would be no end!


After the LORD told me this, I began to walk by faith and not by sight. I became a “Water-Walker!"


Then the LORD gave me a list of instructions of what HE wanted me to do and how, and the consequences if I chose not to do so. That was 20 years ago and since then I have been fervently doing exactly what YAHWEH has called and told me to do: Proclaim HIS Word and teach according to Matthew 28:19-20.


Being reconciled to the LORD, HE has given me a vision:


  1. To travel around the world as the HOLY SPIRIT leads, guides, and directs me, building a Nation of Disciples to serve and take care of the homeless and the needy communities & their families; as well as laboring in the Word and doctrine of JESUS CHRIST, who aren't afraid to BOLDLY teach and preach as the HOLY SPIRIT leads, guides and directs them, 

  2. To build Community Empowerment & Development Centers (CEDC) to help end homelessness and poverty in our neighbors, communities, cities, counties, states & our nation.

  3. To travel by RV for 365 days across the United States, Alaska, and into Canada Evangelizing and Teaching, letting the Lord's people know that the harvest is plentiful…but the laborers are few. (Luke 10:2)




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